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{Messages} THE ALL SUFFICIENT GOD {2 Corinthians 3:5. } - Rev. Adeyemi J.O.

“Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think anything as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God”. 2 Corinthians 3:5. 
Rev’d Adeyemi, J. O. 
General Overseer.
Faith Bible Church, Akobo, 
Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria.
In order to comprehensively understand the word “All Sufficient”, it will be necessary to dissect the Hebrew word “Elshaddai”. Elshaddai means All Sufficient God. Although many English Bibles interprete it to be Almighty God. “El” – All Sufficient i.e God who helps. “Sufficient” in other Bible versions is tagged as “fit and qualified”, “adequate” and “competence”.  “Shaddai” – One who abundantly blesses with all manners of blessings. “Shad” – Breast or breasts i.e. One who nourishes, supplies and satisfies. We can knit all these together to describe All Sufficient God as our helper, blesser, supplier and one who is mighty to save and deliver among other good things he does.   

The above Bible reference is an assertion by Paul, a man who did exploits in his chosen field; ministry. While evaluating the brain behind 
his chain of successes, achievements and accomplishments, he acknowledged God. He did not reckon with his professional ability, training, exposure, background, status, experience, academic or connection. Nowadays, many people trust in their personal ability or human effort for achievement or attaining greater heights in life. God is the sole route towards recording abundance, profit, accomplishment, change of story, new height, new horizon, new experience sweeter than the present etc. God has in His kitty the amount a man needs that is enough for a particular purpose. No wonder, David turned to God when he wanted to fight “Wicked” Goliath. Other soldiers forgot God despite the fact that their weapons, credentials of their past victories and successes could not deliver them. David’s disposition to Goliath facing him was “…the Lord saveth not with sword and spear: for the battle is the Lord’s…” (1Samuel 17:47). Until man has the understanding of taking the battle of his life to God, he will keep fighting the same battle. Battle is part of life, when it comes, God is the sole way of escape even though, He may use some channels for ones deliverance. So, it is suicidal to turn away one’s eyes from God while passing through the valley of the shadow of death. Many people are consumed by their battle because they allow the battle to dictate to them and not God, the All Sufficient.

Many usually make a mistake that their turn around emanates from a new government when elected or selected but often, their hope is dashed. Then, they begin to sing a new tune different from their initial profession. The Israelites demanded for new gods, then was war in their gates (Judges 5:8). There are some things the government cannot offer to you but the All Sufficient God.

Rachael at the point of frustration demanded from Jacob, her husband, “Give me children, or else, I die” (Genesis 30:1). Disappointedly, her husband retorted with anger. “Am I in God’s stead who hath withheld from thee the fruit of the womb?” (Genesis 30:2). Of course, that was not the answer she had expected from her darling husband. There are some things your spouse cannot offer to you no matter how loving he or she is. The words of comfort Elkanah offered  to Hannah, his barren wife was not satisfactory enough to bring succour to her as she continued weeping until the All Sufficient God ministered to her (1 Samuel 1:6-8). A touch from the All Sufficient God will terminate weeping of any sort in your life.

Kings, Governors, Presidents, rich, affluent, and eminent personalities etc may be confused and not know what to do to arrest a nagging situation, but the All Sufficient God cannot be confused. His resources do not run dry or depreciate, He is God over all seasons. A particular desperate woman in the Bible turned to the king for a leeway when there was a great famine in Samaria. Full of hope and expectation, she cried, “Help me, Lord O king” (2 Kings 6:26). There is a limit to which human power can bring succour. The king expressed, “If the Lord do not help thee, whence shall I help thee?”. What the woman needed was the manifestation of the power of the All Sufficient God, which the King did not possess but she did not take her request to the right source. When you keep taking your requests to the wrong channel, what you get is frustration, excuse, pity, embarrassment or wrong counsel which is tantamount to cancellation of your life or stagnation.

All the wise men, magicians, astrologers and soothsayers in Babylon failed to proffer solution to King Nebuchadnezzar’s puzzle despite all their knowledge and experience. Belteshazzar (Daniel), who the king described as a man with the “Spirit of the holy god” was the only man capable and competent to shed light and to interprete the dream puzzle (Daniel 4:6-9). The All Sufficient God is enriched with knowledge, understanding and wisdom. He is the wisdom that man needs to come out of the ordeal of life. He is the Power man needs for a change of story and the way of escape from stories of woes to notable testimonies.

I urge you in this challenging season, trust not in horses or chariots but in the All Sufficient God, the Almighty and you will laugh when others are weeping, dance when others are sorrowing and testify when others are lamenting. Remember, “God is able to make all grace abound towards you; that ye always having all sufficiency in all things may abound to every good work” (2 Corinthians 9:8).

Welcome to our month of the All Sufficient God’s intervention for our new thing in all things.

In this month of September.
I receive my sufficiency from God (2 Corinthians 3:5).
Sufficient anointing to do exploits in my career and my endeavours of life.
Sufficient wisdom, knowledge and understanding to get to the top.
Sufficient strength to continue and to wax stronger.
Sufficient grace to accomplish my desired goals.
Sufficient mercy that nullifies every evil proposal from the pit of hell meant to cause calamity, sorrow and sadness.
Sufficient power over the gate of hell, blood sucking demons and flesh eating spirit in ember months.
Sufficient heavenly supply to minister to all  my needs.
Sufficient bliss in my matrimony as God originally intends it to be.
Sufficient peace like a river and overflowing joy on every side.
God shall be my blesser, helper, supplier, deliverer, facilitator, motivator, promoter, defence, pivot and catalyst to do a new thing in all things (Isaiah 43:19, Revelations 21:5).

Night of Amnesty
God delivered me from an age long affliction simply by the laying of hands during the 34 day Prayer & Fasting. I can walk very well now with my legs – M. I.
God promoted me from tenant to a landlord during the just concluded prayer & fasting programme in a miraculous way – S. J.
I bless God for His divine provision in the face of “no salary”. As a civil servant in the state, I have two aged parents, three undergraduate children, wife, and other dependants to take care of as the bread winner of the family. The way God has been sustaining us has been unexplainable. He is sincerely God of abundance! - P.O.
My wife and I have been waiting on God since last year for a particular household equipment important to us but expensive for our income. We received this on a platform of favour during the church’s fasting and prayer. - P.B.
Doors began to open on their own accord for my business when I had a prayer of agreement with my pastor. - P. A.
The word of God (God is a Sun) I received during a Sunday service ministration was a catalyst which aided me to pray for a lady with a spirit of infirmity, instantly, she got her healing in the name of Jesus. – PKA.

Sunday 5
Gathering of Champions
(Theme: Manifestation of the Sons of God)
Saturday 10
My Womb is Blessed
Friday 16
National Vigil
(Theme: Night of Amnesty )
Wednesday 21
Power of A Praying Parent (PPP)
(A prayer programme for parents to prophesy/declare into the destinies of their children)
Bible Study
Miracle Service
Come Worship God, Come Worship with Us!

I believe you have being blessed by the message above.
Please do type your request and comment in the comment box below. God bless you richly.

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