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How to Embed an Audio Player in Blogger

Step 1Sign up for a free account at a service that allows you to upload audio files and link to them from Blogger. Possible sites include FileDen, OpenDrive, Cloudup and Kiwi6 (links in Resources). After uploading your audio file to one of these sites, copy the URL provided by the site – you will need this URL to create your audio player. If you have your own Web server, you can upload the file there instead and copy the file's URL.
Step 2Navigate to your Blogger page and sign in to your account if you are not already logged in. Click the "Create New Post" button next to the blog you wish to update.
Step 3Click "HTML" and type a few https://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=6794943072429022220#editor/target=post;postID=1263917077055889711words, such as "Listen  and Download," in the editing box. Press "Enter" to add a blank line after your text.
Step 4Paste the following code into the editing box:

<object data="http://mybloggerlab.com/Scripts/dewplayer-bubble-vol.swf" height="65" id="dewplayerbub" name="Feego" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="250">

<param name="movie" value="http://mybloggerlab.com/Scripts/dewplayer-bubble-vol.swf" />

<param name="flashvars" value="AUDIO_LINK_URL" />


Replace "AUDIO_LINK_URL" with the URL to the audio file you uploaded.
Step 5
Click" Publish" to return to the main blog page that displays the names of your blogs. Move your mouse over the blog you updated and click "View" to bring up the blog. You will see the text you typed above your new audio player. Click the "Play" button to play the audio.
Hope you find this tutorial helpful? 

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